Friday Motivation

First, crank up the music

We are all in a pandemic and scared, we can’t decide whether we should go on with our lives because we can’t do anything or whether we should stay home to stay safe and make our families safe. They say its air born, another day they say no its not. We are all lost, so we decided to give you a little push to make your days brighter and easier. 

It’s when you are out of energy and you lack the spirit to do everything to work, to train, to go out, to talk to people, or to do anything that’s when you need to push through the pain and to crash it! 

Yes it’s hard, however those days are the ones that count, that’s when the dedicated ones shine and grow. Try to be a better person, Pain is inevitable and it will always exist, so learn to pick yourself up and run, if you can’t run then walk, but don’t stand still. 

Sometimes, the right thing to do is break the obstacles on your way. At other times, a better course of action would be to climb over the obstacle. But you should always have hope, no matter how hard things can look as hope is the rope that will pull you up.

What you do every day will turn into a habit. So choose habits that will lead you to success and repeat them every day. Don’t wait for a miracle to give you the time, energy, and motivation to make the changes you want in your life. Make it happen and it will pay off! 

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